Rafael Macias

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Dear Maine's Congressional Delegation

Dear Maine's Congressional Delegation,

Maine is amassing an alliance of people who don't wear three-piece suits or ammo belts. We don't have millions of dollars and we don't knock down doors. We are all residents of Maine and we come from all corners of the state. We are young, we are old, and we all Zoom. We fly signs, we sign petitions, we knock on doors, and we honk horns, too. We volunteer our time, our money, and our efforts for the betterment of Maine. We meet every week, almost every day. You're welcome to join us at any time.

We are not looking to communize, confiscate, or delay. We are looking for change. We are committed to change. We understand that throughout history, positive change takes time and comes at a cost, a great cost, and we're in it for the long haul. You can jump aboard anywhere along the way.

As our Congressional Representatives and Senators in D.C., we expect to be represented. We expect our delegation to give due diligence to every vote and we expect compassion and empathy to be the overarching theme for the laws you vote for. What we don't expect is our delegation to be beholden to corporate and foreign interests. You should depart that train as soon as you can.

We will contact you with every method available to us, and we are enlisting many others to join us. We don't expect you to always agree with us, but we do expect you to always hear us. We speak many different languages, have many different voices, and use a variety of pronouns. We have stories, written and verbal, waiting to be heard, so please be prepared to listen. It's coming from all of us.

When we go to the ballot box, we elect men and women to be our voice. You might sometimes be out of harmony, but you should always be in tune. We want a delegation that listens to Mainers, young and old, influential or not, and always takes the route that takes all Mainers along.

When would you like to meet us?

Your Friend,

Rafael Macias

Androscoggin River, Topsham, Maine, Pejepscot :)